Can you hike in Dr. Martens
Are Dr. Martens good for hiking?
The most obvious reason why you shouldn’t hike in Dr. Martens seems obvious: they’re simply not made for hiking. They aren’t made to support your foot through such intense days of walking, and they also aren’t made to withstand all kinds of terrain. It’s a great boot, however, it’s a working boot – not a hiking boot. People who did try to go for actual hikes in Dr. Martens had poor experiences, including foot pain and boots falling apart, since they can’t handle the rough paths, which you might take them through.
Technically you can hike in Dr. Martens, but it’s not recommended by professionals. Especially, if you’re going on longer hikes you ought to invest in a pair of decent hiking boots. Check out Merrel MOAB hiking boots or Keen Targhee, those are some of the most popular hiking boots on the market.
Read more about Dr. Martens here.
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Dr. Martens can take a long time to break in
If you’ve owned a pair of Dr. Martens before then you know it: They need a long time to adapt to your feet. Until then they’ll kill you. Blisters, bruises and whatnot are a part of your daily life, until you finally break the boot. When you take your Dr. Martens for such a long walk, you have no idea how your feet will react. Maybe you’ll do fine walking about the city wearing them, but when confronted with 20 miles on a dusty road, who knows how many blisters you’ll have by the end of the day?
Dr. Martens may not be durable enough
Once upon a time, Dr. Martens-boots were known as the toughest boots out there. People swore that they would last 20 years and more. Nowadays, however, production of most Dr. Martens-boots is located in China and the quality isn’t like it used to be. Their ‘Made in the England’-series is better, however, more expensive and still not like back in the day. Some people say that the boot simple isn’t durable enough to handle the terrains anymore. Imagine going for a weeklong hike and your shoes are torn to pieces after just a couple of days. Then there’s a long way home. Are you ready to take that chance?
So just to sum it all up: Buy a pair of hiking boots. It’s an investment well-made.
Find your Dr. Martens shoe size
Try the free online shoe size calculator and find the right Dr. Martens shoe size.
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Are Dr. Martens good for walking?
It’s probably one of this century’s most recurring questions. Because one thing is to wear them all winter and find that they’re comfortable longer distances. A whole other thing is to wear them on an intense day of walking – or even weeks depending on your hiking trip.
There’s no doubt that the answer is yes, if you’re asking if Dr. Martens are good for walking. They are great for walking, when the amount of walking is limited to a couple of hours of chit chatting with a coffee to-go in hand.